Continuous Controls Monitoring: What to Measure

Date 11-08-2020 Time: 10-11 a.m. EST (2-3 p.m. UTC) Fee: Website

Venue: Website
measure Security Event - Continuous Controls Monitoring: What to Measure

This session outlines how to establish a CCM program and examples of those security metrics which will deliver speed to value in reducing risk.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • What is Continuous Controls Monitoring, and why is it required
  • How to plan and implement an effective CCM program
  • The pitfalls to be avoided
  • The universe of possible security metrics, how to subdivide it and examples of high value metrics which lend themselves to automation and value


Nik Whitfield, CEO, Panaseer
Leila Powell, Head of Data Science, Panaseer