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Topic-icon 'Swarm' cyber attacks, crypto-currency stealing malware predicted for 2018

7 years 2 months ago #3815 by twentysomething

2018 will be the year malicious software becomes smarter and cyber criminals increasingly chase crypto-currencies like bitcoin, according to predictions from computer security companies.

It will also be the year ransomware — software designed by hackers that locks up computer systems until a fee is paid — will become more targeted and prevalent among big business, where ransom demands are often much higher in dollar value due to businesses having more money to divulge than consumers, according to computer security firm Fortinet.


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7 years 2 months ago #3816 by mightygal

Can 2018 be a year of grace with no attacks! :(

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3 years 2 weeks ago #23877 by naomi-bion-google

Hello. Bitcoin trading is a method of investing in bitcoin by speculating on changes in the price of the cryptocurrency. While buying bitcoin through an exchange in the hope that its price will rise over time is usually common, cryptocurrency traders are increasingly using derivatives to speculate on both rising and falling prices to capitalize on bitcoin's volatility.

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2 years 11 months ago #25327 by Degni-Mozas-google

That's why I don't think that working with crypto is not the best idea. The crypto market is also pretty complicated and unstable, so for me, it's better to trade forex. I managed to discover a reliable broker on http://usforexbrokers.com/http://usforexbrokers.com/ and start profiting, and I can say that it's a great source of additional income.

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