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Topic-icon Could Canada fall prey to an election cyberattack?

7 years 1 month ago #3822 by 1do1do

As the potential for cyberattacks to undermine the democratic process becomes alarmingly clear, Canadians can take some comfort in the fact that national elections in this country are still conducted the old-fashioned way.

Canada is not immune to cybermischief aimed at suppressing the number of people who vote or manipulating how they vote. But once ballots are cast, not even the most sophisticated cyberattack could tamper with the results.


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7 years 1 month ago #3824 by Icemanssl22

The motive / message of the writer of the text was not always apparent i guess. The headline might be misleading / trying to manipulate.

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7 years 1 month ago #3825 by quinton7

Depends on perspective, paper ballot also is not foolproof on its own. But having our electronic records in a system, there must be robust controls in place. :)

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