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Topic-icon Organizations' conformance to Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

10 years 8 months ago #169 by o_jolinho

With the effect?˜Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) kicking in for organizations, how can we conform to this Act? Extracting from the PDPA <a href=" www.pdpc.gov.sg/personal-data-protection-act/overview ">website</a>, it takes into account the following concepts:


<strong>Consent</strong> Ÿ?? Organisations may collect, use or disclose personal data only with the individual's knowledge and consent (with some exceptions);

<strong>Purpose</strong> Ÿ?? Organisations may collect, use or disclose personal data in an appropriate manner for the circumstances, and only if they have informed the individual of purposes for the collection, use or disclosure; and

<strong>Reasonableness</strong> Ÿ?? Organisations may collect, use or disclose personal data only for purposes that would be considered appropriate to a reasonable person in the given circumstances.

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10 years 6 months ago #212 by o_julieng

so troublesome. haha.. :)

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