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Topic-icon Gmail and social media being hacked

9 years 23 hours ago #2225 by o_1do1do

i suspect my gmail and social meda is being hacked, saw some notification that apparently someone logged in from another country. i have since reset the password, any ideas what's the impact?

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8 years 7 months ago #2229 by o_Kenneth Lee

What social media are you talking about specifically? And it will be good to have some more details. If you are not comfortable sharing them here, maybe you can drop me a PM?

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8 years 7 months ago #2230 by o_1do1do

like my FB and Twitter account suddenly can't login and received notification from gmail that there's another user login from another country. so scary. i change all my passwords immediately, don't know if that's enough.

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8 years 7 months ago #2234 by o_paulsng33

@1do1do perhaps you can check through your emails and see if you have left any sensitive info. choose a stronger password if possible. don't use same password for ur social medias.

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8 years 7 months ago #2235 by o_Kenneth Lee

@1do1do, you should also check through your sent folder in gmail to see if any emails were sent out from your gmail, you might be used to infect your contacts too.

Changing your password is good, but make sure you change the passwords for other accounts

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8 years 7 months ago #2236 by o_1do1do

@Kenneth Lee I didn't know there's a 2FA for gmail, where's that option?

@paulsng33 yes my password is super strong now!! cant share with u how strong though, lolz.

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