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Topic-icon European Commission confirms 'large-scale' cyberattack disrupted internet for ho

8 years 3 months ago #2684 by o_1do1do

The internet connection of the European Union's legislative body, the European Commission (EC), was disrupted for "several hours" on 24 November (Thursday) after a "large-scale" cyberattack was directed against its computer networks.

The attack, which reportedly started in mid-afternoon, allegedly left staffers unable to work throughout the day. By the evening, as the online assault subsided, the Commission's IT experts sent an email to those impacted blaming the outages on a "denial of service."

<a href=" www.ibtimes.co.uk/european-commission-co...ternet-hours-1593429 "> www.ibtimes.co.uk/european-commission-co...ternet-hours-1593429 </a>

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