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Topic-icon Russia, China Able to Launch Catastrophic Cyber Attacks on U.S. Infrastructure..

7 years 11 months ago #3192 by o_mandyplayhard

next time world war will commence by using cyber attacks first hor...

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7 years 4 months ago #3190 by o_merlionguy

Critical American infrastructure like the electric grid will remain vulnerable to catastrophic cyber attacks from Russia and China for at least 10 years, according to a Pentagon study.

A report by a Defense Science Board task force concludes that the decade-long cyber vulnerabilities must be mitigated while the Pentagon quickly creates new cyber deterrence capabilities, including offensive cyber weapons designed to inflict damage on adversaries and their leaders.

<a href=" freebeacon.com/national-security/pentago...cture-next-10-years/ "> freebeacon.com/national-security/pentago...cture-next-10-years/ </a>

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