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Topic-icon Common Sense Security Framework (CSSF) for Small Businesses

7 years 7 months ago #3549 by o_merlionguy

ya i guess they have no choice as the bosses expect them to kmow also. my boss think i knowmeverything about cybersecurity when im just dealing with network admin. haha

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7 years 6 months ago #3528 by o_wendyt

If you find the NIST CyberSecurity Framework, ISO 27001 etc are too massive & overwhelming to follow as they contain too many controls, maybe it is good to start small with this CSSF.


In order to protect your business, you need to secure your business. Easier said than done, right?

The goal of the Common Sense Security Framework (CSSF) is to help business owners identify those fundamental controls they need to have in place in order to protect the systems and applications on which their business relies.

The CSSF identifies seven (7) areas that require protection, along with three (3) of the most effective, useful controls in each area. The end results is a list of twenty-one (21) questions that every business owner needs to answer in order to have a fundamental understanding of whether or not his or her business is exposed.

Protect Your Applications
Protect Your Endpoints
Protect Your Network
Protect Your Servers
Protect Your Data
Protect Your Locations
Protect Your People

If youŸ??d like to know how well your business stacks up, download the Common Sense Security Framework Questionnaire and answer those twenty-one (21) questions, providing a brief explanation for each of your answers.


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